I tested Covid positive recently, and now Lady Macbeth is angry with me

Beginning a covid journey.

Sravani Saha
The Junction


Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

I tested positive for Covid-19 two days ago along with my husband. We had been staying at home for a long time, not going out, not having anyone come over, and yet we got the dreaded virus. Our 9-year-old son tested negative.
Where’s Lady Macbeth in this? Please be patient.

The triggers came in when I got clear symptoms, fever, aches in the body; and to ensure faster medical attention, we took tests at the earliest. And what do you say when your worst fears are confirmed? A guttural ‘Et Tu Brute!’

Our little home world was shaken up. I was obfuscated trying to figure out how to isolate the child, how to handle his food, how to do his laundry, utensils, without infecting him. The first day we isolated ourselves and he moved around in the kitchen trying to get his breakfast and milk. It was immensely difficult given that we had to arrange something for our breakfast too, and with us going to the kitchen, we could see that lines of isolation were clearly erased. Yet we tried to maintain a safe distance as much as we could.

I had gnawing body aches and fatigue. My husband had his own share of weakness and dry cough. We consulted a doctor immediately and she gave us a prescription…



Sravani Saha
The Junction

Author of ‘Yes, The Eggplant is A Chicken’ https://amzn.to/2Iym2ok Humorist, Satirist, Mom, Ex-Googler. Write to me at s.sravani@gmail.com