I wish…

I wish to disappear in a wisp of smoke
Than be a ball of thoughts running amok.

Abhinaya S.B.
The Junction


“Wisp” | Credit: Hanjörg Scherzer from Pixabay

I wish to be a bedside lamp
That knows when to shine and when to nap.
I wish to be a grain of sand
Reminding posterity of their dead ancient land.
I wish to be the oars of a boat
That lets one wander yet stay afloat.
I wish to be a gold fish —
Awestruck by the world it can yet again, relish.
I wish to be a chair,
Offering support to one in despair.
I wish to be the gentle aroma of coffee;
A promise of refreshment that can set you free.
I wish to be a swing set
That lets one soar high when upset.
I wish to be a table fan
That constantly whispers, “you absolutely can!”

Alas I am but a ball of bulky thoughts
A heart full of fancy, a fish out of water
Chasing ephemeral jewels, distraught;
A confused, curious woman, friend and daughter.

I wish to become a wisp of smoke
That smells of hope
I wish to be a laser beam that guides
Those in fear of changing tides.

“Guiding light” | Credit: Pexels from Pixabay

