Icelandic Christmas

A 100-word story

Kalman "Carun" Balla
The Junction
1 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Kalman Balla


Somebody was whispering his name.

‘Einar Sigurdsson…’

The voice was coming closer.

‘Stop pretending, child! I know you’re awake.’

The boy opened his eyes: Gryla, the troll woman, stood in her black, sack like dress next to his bed.

‘It’s time, Einar,’ she hissed. ‘You know old Gryla takes the bad boys away on Christmas Eve. You’re gonna be such a scrumptious stew, I’ll lick my twelve fingers, and then I’m gonna put your skull in my collection.’

Einar screamed. His father hurried in the room.

‘What’s wrong, son?’

‘Dad,’ he sobbed, ‘I’m not gonna be bad ever again!’



Kalman "Carun" Balla
The Junction

A Hungarian living in Scotland. Chef by day, even more awesome by night. And I write… sometimes.