Acknowledgement-Felicia Simon on

In the Forest Bungalow on Diwali Night

By Kaustuv Ghosh

kaustuv ghosh
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018


The earth is red, untamed. It crunches below tires.

The exiled poet wrote about it and rain but monsoons

Turn it into reddish-brown muck through which

Black, shiny shoes are discouraged from romping.

Such is the let-down of real-life outside pages.

Still, the air is fresh in winter and the sal trees stand tall

And you may stop in a wayside village, by the communal well,

To buy puffed rice and oily fritters, some with chilli.

They are getting ready for evening festivities and later

There will be a sacrifice and the kids will watch a movie.

There are no bottles of water in the only provision store

But the water is free and tastes sweet and cold.

Then, high speed past forests that look like green walls

And an abrupt breach to reveal a bungalow, red and white.

Foxes sprint across the road by dark and once in a while

A tusker trumpets from a remote stronghold announcing

It has finished a hundred- mile journey and is back home.

There is chicken curry and rice by candlelight and birds are replaced

By cicadas as you dine on china embossed with imperium.

It is not a bad idea, you think, to pause for a day.

You have for company a ghostly retainer, dusty photos

Whisky glasses and ledgers unread for a hundred years.

