From Chef White Feather

International Food Advice

Take it from me…

White Feather
The Junction
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2020


Source — (Pixabay)

Don’t tell anyone this but I once ate at a Burger King in Munich, Germany. How embarrassing, right? What sane American travels overseas to a foreign country to eat American fast-food? When in Rome eat Roman food, not South Carolina barbeque. I think that’s how the saying goes.

But I had been eating European food for a few months and suddenly the idea of shoving a whopper into my mouth sounded surprisingly good. A whopper was, after all, my favorite American fast-food burger. It is far better than anything McDonalds had to offer back then. (Back then Wendy’s hadn’t even gone national yet.)

But it turned out to be a slight disappointment. Something just didn’t taste right about it. I could not figure out what it was but it just did not taste the same as it did in America. And the soggy french fries were served with warm, sweet German ketchup. How disgusting!

During that summer I was with some young distantly related friends and we were all talking about food. One of my American compatriots mentioned how hard it was to find true American food in Germany. One of the German friends disagreed, “Oh, we have American peanut butter in our grocery stores! Here, I have some…”

