It had to be Wasps!

Victory comes in small packages

Natalie Fagan
The Junction


Photo by Jason Charles Hill on Unsplash

Last year, the bush in my backyard yielded only around twenty blackberries. This year, however, there were so many blackberries I couldn’t count that high.

After mowing the lawn, I grabbed a bowl and some shears to harvest the sweet gems.

Plunk. Into the bowl with one blackberry harvested. Pulling the bush down helped harvest more at once. Plunk, Plunk, Plunk. Easy Peasy.

That’s when I saw it. Pulling the bush was the same as pulling on a lion’s tail. The Yellow Jackets swarmed once they were alerted to my plans.

They were everywhere! In an instant, they were swarming on every blackberry insight pumping their abdomen as a warning, readying their venom.

Still needing the sweet berries, I walked to a different part of the bush.



They took a dive right at my face! I swatted and ran, taking my treasures with me. The blackberries tasted as I had dreamed. I had to have more than the few I had secured.

The hot summer day left the windows open with a direct view of the bountiful bush. I saw them all, hoarding my blackberries but for what reason?



Natalie Fagan
The Junction

Writer and reader who loves to travel. I am currently writing.