Jimmy Nyakora
The Junction
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2018


Last Edit

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I have to leave you alone
With your haunting stares
Until I’m ready to touch you
Till I’m ready to engage you

I have to leave you alone
Until I’m comfortable with the
Piercing stare of your words
The unfinished care of my ego

I have to leave you alone
Until I’m done healing
The scars you popped the other day
Till the inky tears dry on my heart’s page

I’ll feel you again when we’re ready
To edit the bad…unwrite and write
Until we’re both comfortable with
The naked sight of each other

Through the first draft then the last
Until we’re both comfortable with
The confessions of fake alibis
Then can we both agree to publish

