Like You

A Short Apropos Poem

Mike Sturm
The Junction


The only way that I can keep going on

is to remember that like you, I love.

Like you, I thirst

I hunger

I yearn

I hurt

I do all of these things — nay — they happen to me

as they happen to you.

My heart treads a different path, but beats just as hard

as yours.

The blood is as dark and red

as yours.

My convictions push me as hard

as yours.

We are so alike, and yet we are so in denial

of that fact.

I keep forgetting, but I’m trying to remember

to channel the faith in my cause

into faith in us, that you and I

can be an us again.

That we are like me

and like you.

Like you, I forget this from time to time.

But that is okay, because you do, too.

We can forgive — people like me,

like you.



Mike Sturm
The Junction

Creator: — A simpler personal productivity system. Writing about productivity, self-improvement, business, and life.