Locked Down | Prologue

Tejas Harirajan Radhakrishnan
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJul 15, 2020
Illustration by Isha Madhurendra

“This guy’s a goner.”

“Yes, I don’t have to be a doctor like you to figure that out, Dr. Milton.”

“You don’t understand, Mr. Reid. There’s no use in finding a cure. You can’t cure the dead back to life!”

“You must think I’m stupid–”

“No-no-no, not at all. It’s just that… we cannot continue if this is the case! We can proceed only if the leeches are still alive!”

“Oh no, we are not done here.”

“… What?”

“If there is no cure, my dear doctor, then we can discover a method of prevention instead!”

“Method of prevention… Like a vaccine! That is still a possibility. But wait a minute… How are we to even test these methods? On what must we…”

“You said there was no use testing other animals.”

“Mr. Reid, that’s impossible!”

“Do we have another alternative?”

“… No sir. But you have to be joking!”

“Was it funny?”

“… Not at all, sir.”

“That’s because it wasn’t a joke.”

Click here for Locked Down | Chapter 1

