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Lovely Eyes

in vacuous gaze

J.L. Littlejohn
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2018


I know you do not hear it
I knew.

because your eyes would yield
contain embrace

forgive the watery stare
behold the weary

weep with solace
flow want as compassion

if you had found yourself
somewhere furrowed beside of it.

there is a hastened pace to anger
a faster pace to hate

and that of pain
is dependent on

the depth a knife was dug
and how.

of envisioning the blade

catching its sinister glint
focus aware of malefic tip enter

coldly into flesh
not wince

not flinch
lose your blank, your stomach at the

warm ribbon
flowing in crimson.

if pages dripped
and soaking in agony

can bring about

the heart as pebble skipped
across blooded pond

the head bothered
by the trudge thru unfamiliar

and wounded body.
pain looks to dance

partnered with vacuous gaze
only in grief.

such is sorrow
in all that is unrequited

misery in an absence
and hearts thrown to wolves.

you do not hear it.
you did not hear it

I knew.

©jef littlejohn 2017



J.L. Littlejohn
The Junction

Poet/Storyteller ~A Conflict of Words in Tussle With a Pen for a Life of Rhyme. Look for my Poetry on Lit Up