Moving on

Danna Reich Colman
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2019


She pauses at the open window and takes a moment, savoring the cool evening air. A quilt is wrapped loosely around her hips; the white silk barely a contrast to her fair skin. Then she turns, and with a sway of her hips, the cover silently falls to the floor. She pulls a clip from her hair, and soft, light-blonde curls tumble over her tapered shoulders. She walks toward the bed, pausing to twirl in the center of the room, as the moonlight accentuates her graceful curves.

I gasp, as he does, captivated by her beauty. Wrapped up in each other, neither notice me in the shadows. A lump forms in my throat, and I blink back tears and fear there are more to come. I study his face as he watches her dance while drinking her in. His breathing quickens, and his tongue flicks over his lips in preparation for kisses. She smiles, running her fingers over her curves, then glides toward him.

He greets her with open arms and caresses her cheek before sharing a seductive kiss. I watch him draw her close, enviously imagining myself in her place with his arms around my body and his lips on mine. Tears blur my vision as I witness the affection of the two lovers.

They writhe together, the sheets twisting into knots beneath them, the air heavily scented with sex. Spent, he gently brushes her hair from her face before succumbing to sleep. He’s found love again. I pause for one last look. He’s undeniably moved on.



Danna Reich Colman
The Junction

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright