Mr America Drinks And Goes Home

Mike Essig
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2017

The Good Citizen stood quietly in line to buy his ticket. He entered the theater and sat in his allotted seat. He was the perfect spectator. Up came the curtain. The magic began. There they were. The Glitterati. The rich, the famous, the celebrities. They wore designer clothes and sipped champagne. They mingled in lush living rooms. They flew private planes. They fucked in every combination. They piloted yachts. They smiled with flashing, perfect teeth. The Good Citizen watched spellbound. He worshiped his betters. He knew them all from TV. He loved them. Never for a second did it occur to him to jump the stage and take anything for himself. He never wondered where that money came from or why they had it all. After the show, he filed out in an orderly fashion. Then he stopped for a quick drink, still bedazzled, and went home, imprisoned by his fantasy.



Mike Essig
The Junction

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.