Musings Straight from the Couch

A commercial with a philosophical flavor

Marta Mozolewska
The Junction
3 min readNov 14, 2019


Photo by Alexas_Fotos (via pixabay)

Everyone I know hates ads, be it on the radio, television, or in the press. Advertising seems particularly annoying when you’re in the middle of your favorite serial or an action movie. It can ruin it all for you, the suspense, all the thrill and excitement.

I hardly ever watch TV nowadays, when I do it’s often while lying on the couch taking an afternoon nap at weekends. So whatever I manage to see before dozing off I find quite engrossing, it turns out even commercials seem inspiring when you don’t watch them often.

Last Saturday I was lying on the couch in a highly reflective mood (which should be feared by everyone, believe me), I’m watching TV and there started a commercial of… toilet paper.

He — a young and handsome man — proposes to her. Cut! Another scene — he peeps at her from his hideout while she’s trying on a stunningly beautiful wedding dress. Another shot — they’re both checking a pregnancy test and …YES! Two lines! What a joy! Then a child is born etc.

A quick overview of life based on its most essential moments and in the foreground there’s always, invariably… a toilet paper roll!

Wow! I was impressed by the author’s sharp-wittedness, by this deeply philosophical perspective on our pathetically insignificant brief stay on this globe. The perspective which shows that whatever happens, however grand and magnificent, always bear in mind that you’ve got to provide for something to wipe your ass clean! In other words, don’t soar too high, please don’t! The higher the flight the more painful the fall! Take a deep breath and simply relax! Take it easy please as no, you’re not God or any goddamned ruler of the world! You’re just a mediocre… human being. And being a human is a fact that’s considerably limiting on the one hand, but on the other it can actually set you totally free! It can liberate you from over-ambitiousness, too big hopes, too high expectations toward both yourself and everyone around you.

By association I recalled the words uttered once by my friend,

“Remember, Marta, even Jennifer Lopez has to go to the toilet and empty her bowels!”

Yes, I know, the reflexion is somewhat simple, no breakthrough discovery, no, yet its simplicity knocked me down with its brilliance at that time (and still keeps me in awe in point of fact).

Since it doesn’t really matter if you’re rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, famous or not at all. Whoever you take into consideration — stop idealizing and idolizing others for Christ’s sake! Don’t put anyone on a pedestal. It’s so silly to do that as we are just PEOPLE. And people are people. We eat, we poo, and next we all die. The awareness of death in turn casts fresh light on life we live and every single decision we must take every day, starting from the choice of a spouse and ending with the selection of …toilet paper.

What’s the conclusion? I should avoid watching TV, especially commercials, and perhaps take a nap instead.

And that’s what I wish for myself and all of you, guys!

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