Not gagged, not bound: Unmasked

Helena Kingwill
The Junction
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2020

Un masked

I dive deep into clear water-

Cold as ice cream.

There are sea anemones

Under the water, billowing.

We can breathe,

We are allowed.

We know our voices

Come out loud

Even when silenced

We know the truth.

We speak for the ocean

and the birds in the woods.

We speak for the eagle-

the all knowing owl,

Hoepoe and Kingfisher,

Loerie and Guineafowl.

We speak for the sentient:

large and small, and even

for the ones that crawl,

magnificent creatures

we speak for them all!

And when the wind blows,

And the rain begins: splutter quick,

then sand slow- drip, drip, drip.

Ancient wisdom shows herself

and we remember what we know:

we live to catch what falls,

and fall and catch the flow.

We find truth in stillness,

ride the shifts as they come:

watch the writings on the Wall-

fingers scrolling and searching-

no solution, nor hero or master mind,

only distractions do we find.

The illness we’re facing, is an inevitable outcome.

Systems of greed: made gluttony normal.

Illness of mind -Super-sized-

“20 percent free:”

institutionalized ignorance,

delusional, Separation, domination.

Power-fix, coffee-clutch, addict-flick.

All this is what made us sick.

The cure waits in our history, sitting still.

No man-made invention will be found.

Neither skin -prick, nor syringed-pull,

or hard bitter pill, gulped full will break the spell.

Yet, our true mother has a cure for every ill.

It’s under our feet, growing in common ground.

It sprouts by the river and washes up by shore,

it mushrooms from logs on the forest floor

and prickles among the deserts sacred stones.

We find it when we’re ready.

But first, we must unplug:

Breathe deep into the vast expanse-

beyond twinkling stars

into universal galaxies.

Then Remember where it all begun.

Rediscover ancient knowledge-

Of first tribes by firesides

Watching flames, under the stars.

The magic of balance

Is is simple as Common Sense.

Return to the land and be still.

Listen deep, and be restored.

One with source, I find flow.

Never alone, I practice in solitude,

Always connected, I weave,

these are the threads, you see-

a tapestry within the earth and sea,

- connecting me to my body-

connecting you to me, and me to thee.



Helena Kingwill
The Junction

is a seeker, multimedia storyteller, mother of two, nature lover, healer and poet, living in Cape Town, SA, but born and bred in the Great Karoo.