
Adam Millett
The Junction
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2019
Photo by Jeff Fan on Unsplash

If the moon was a mirror,
that reflected the earth,
would we perceive it a blessing,
or perceive it a curse?

Could we use it for gain,
to get properly dressed,
or would the image we witness
just leave us depressed?

With the level of vanity
we normally use,
would we flex all our muscles,
or distort all our views?

While critiquing the features
with intricate scale,
would anatomy matter,
or does motion prevail?

What we’d see would be common,
but the sides would have switched.
I’m not sure if we’d notice,
as we stood there bewitched.

With it angled correctly,
we could witness the sores
that required most attention,
to take care of them more.

But alter the angle,
and all we would see
are the parts of the body
that seem perfect to me.

So it seems in this mirror,
that the question to ask,
is do we see ourselves,
or do I just see glass?



Adam Millett
The Junction

Freelance writer for hire with a passion for sustainability. Check out for my blog and for details about my writing services.