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Puzzled Pieces

A free verse poem.

J.G. Forrester
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2019


My edges never
Quite fell into the slot
I found cut out
For me

They always sat
Crooked, leaning,
Uneven against
The bigger picture

But I found a piece
Or two that match
Whose colors run
Right into mine

Their edges lock
Upon my sides
Their brushstrokes turn
Right angles against mine

I suppose we all
Are jigsaw pieces
Fitting into place
Any place we can

Forming piecemeal
Landscapes with
Rorschachs spattered
From the palettes of our minds



J.G. Forrester
The Junction

Writer of poems and a few brief essays. Lover of all creative types. Eager to learn, and to admit ignorance.