
Adam Millett
The Junction
Published in
Oct 26, 2020

Does the universe know what it’s doing?
Or is it just as bewildered as we are?

Does dark matter peer through to
our side of things
and wonder
‘what the quandary are they, and
what the quandary is their purpose!?’

On the other side of a black hole,
does everything that was sucked in from
‘our side’
get shot out in a completely different form?
Into a completely different norm?
Are there beings on the other side like us;
dazed, confused and teetering on the edge of

What are the odds?
Are there gods?
A higher purpose?
Or are we nothing but raindrops
in an imperfect storm?

Is the universe okay? ‘At one’ with itself?
Or is it just as bamboozled as we are?
Fumbling through its own journey
in search of its own ‘truth?’

Is the universe alive?
Or is it nothing but fiery rocks and
infinite abyss?

I have a feeling;
things are actually a whole lot stranger,

than all of this.



Adam Millett
The Junction

Freelance writer for hire with a passion for sustainability. Check out awallofhope.com for my blog and wordchameleon.com for details about my writing services.