Jimmy Nyakora
The Junction
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2018



Photo by Fischer Twins on Unsplash

She held tight the last black bead
Hanging limp on a string of words
On breaths upon murmured breaths
She strung her pleas bead by bead
On the line of the universe to dry
Exposing her soul, hanging her life
On the hands of One she knew best

She had spent the night in meditation
Mindful prayer, faith beyond the motions
Wringing her mind in agony’s passion
Hoping that Mercy’s soap will erase
Rinsing, her heart from sins of her past
Hoping to drink quench her thirst
Have her soul truly filled at last

She prayed upon the driving rain
Those showers that flood the soul
She reached out for heaven’s beads
Counting them in muttered breaths
Pleas that now she let go unstrung
Melted with no strings attached
The falling rain spilling her birth

