Source: Pixabay

Reverse Shoplifting

Have you ever tried it?

Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2018


I once knew a woman who was a pathological shoplifter. She simply could not go into a store without trying to steal something. To her it was a challenge. It empowered her. She drew huge amounts of energy from engaging in it. It was like drinking a case of Red Bull. I once attended a party at this woman’s home and before I left I checked all my pockets to make sure nothing was missing.

I don’t need the karma. Believe me, I don’t. I don’t do it. Maybe it was my upbringing or those years in a Taoist monastery but I just don’t get empowered by something like that. Instead of getting jazzed up I’d be peeing in my pants.

But I have to be honest and admit, in front of the whole world, right here and right now, that I have in fact once engaged in the opposite of shoplifting — which is, of course, Reverse Shoplifting.

What? You don’t know what reverse shoplifting is? Seriously? You’ve never done it? Okay, I see that I need to do some explaining before I continue…

Shoplifting is when you put on a big winter coast (no matter the season — trench coats work well) and you walk into a store. As you browse the shelves you look around to see if anyone is watching then you open your coat slightly with one hand while you quickly remove an item off the shelf with your other hand and slide…

