
A poem

Rohan Rao
The Junction
Feb 21, 2021


Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

We fall from the sky
as aqueous drops
Cascading down a velvety slope that meets
the sapphire sea.

We fall from the feathery utopia of the clouds
as perfect spheres,
ready to be molded
by the sovereign wind.

We begin our lives
with a disruption
in the limitless ocean.

Ripples radiate;
The water undulates.
Our signal permeates
the sea. It stimulates
Those who dedicate
their lives to making us perpetuate
the state we stay in and we capitulate.

We say
nothing in order to stay
floating so we don’t drift away
We delay
our destiny. We decay
until a transformation is underway
until these ripples turn into waves.

