Sacrificing Shadows

J.A. Taylor
The Junction
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2019


Photo by lalesh aldarwish from Pexels

Wake yourself from slumber,
Don’t drift asleep;
For darkness unencumbered,
Lets shadows quickly creep.

You can’t unsee and can’t unwind,
A temptation so alluring;
When you stare and meet its eyes,
False comfort turns assuring.

Their whisperings, don’t lend your ear,
Or losing them becomes your fear.
You will dread to name such things,
For what you name with you remains.

If you wish to escape their charm,
Give yourself away to good;
Penance, they suggest, is harm,
An offering misunderstood.

Fear instead who made your soul,
And know you won’t possess control.
Live to die, ignore the price;
For shadows flee from Sacrifice.

