
Anjan Kaur
The Junction
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2020

Who am I
I ask, as I stare
myself in the eye
what do I believe in
which beliefs are mine
& which ones did I inherit

Beliefs I grew up with
don’t satisfy me anymore
fill me with doubts
questioning everything I care for
leaving me with unopened doors
just behind the crossroads

What’s the truth
I ask, as I seek
Whose opinion matters
Is it mine, yours or theirs
whispers here and there
of expectations & images
of who I should be
lurk low in the shadows
of the day & night
sneaking up on me, like the
ghost of past, present & future

Why is it hard to answer
What journey is this
full of circles of doubts
& puzzles I fail to decipher
as I search far and near
playing hide and seek
with these answers
even more so the questions

Do I have the courage
to draw my own lines
step out of existing ones
to fill in the right colors

How do I know what’s right
line, colors and answers
Is there even a right
Does anyone know
I ask, as I stare
Who am I



Anjan Kaur
The Junction

Just me, trying to make sense of anything and everything