Song for lusty sailors

Uma Valerie Carruthers
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2017
Photo by Armando-Castillejo,

There’s an insurrection taking place inside your trousers. A member about to mutiny, yearning to break free from clothed civility. I’m gonna open the hatch, carry you off with me to be my stowaway. Right now today.

Then oh! what I want you to do to me. Hoist my mainsail upon your mast and we’ll set off on a sea so vast there’s nothing ahead but current so fast it carries us away. Oh yeah, carries us away.

Tonight beneath the moon so big we’ll dance a lively pirate jig and raise a glass to toast this lass who alas kicked your ass and made a pass and took you out to sea.

Ahoy me hearty all hands on deck, make me shiver me timbers and I’ll walk your plank like you never knew. Longer your plank just grew.

Then oh! where this rocking vessel will sail you to as you command the wheel. Peer into your spyglass and steer her course, my sea legs locking you with nature’s force and feel as into the warm night wind we steal. Oh yeah, into the night we steal.



Uma Valerie Carruthers
The Junction

Writer since forever. Reader of everything. Mystic who still has to find her way to the restroom. Born dancing. Lover of art and how life imitates it.