Source ID

Winslow Thornhill
The Junction
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2020


It happened Thursday. Word’s been getting around faster it seems.

Jenkins came through with the clip board. I marked Present but Unavailable for Reasons Not Disclosed and went on with my work. Don gave a chuckle when Stacey fingered him behind his back and made that fat guy face for all of us. Jenkins kept moving though I’m sure (how could he not?) he knew what was going on.

My phone rang. It was the IOCD calling to verify the whereabouts of what Don and I dug up Wednesday by the wading pool now drum storage area. I said we’d flagged it as number three then called over to Handling and Media to give them the heads-up, loose lips around this place. Seems lately we get a lot of flack from H&M although I know my companeros well enough to know our lack of enthusiasm at times would never amount to violation of said employment agreements. That would lead to an investigation and after what happened to Kai last summer no one wants a taste of that I’m sure.

I put down the phone and gave Don the all clear big roll of my eyes. He went back to watching his screen and making tiny notes of any movement within the perimeter.

Jenkins was back at noon for another round. This time I checked Available but Presently Engaged. “Not,” he smirched and pushed it back under my nose. He tapped his pencil next to Unavailable and on Assignment. I pushed back from my desk and…

