Steampunk Humor

Steampunk Engineers Wanted for Mars Expedition

Have spunk, will travel

Rick Post
The Junction


Image by Roy Snyder from Pixabay

We are looking for the brightest, most intelligent, creative, and best-dressed steampunk engineers to join our team.

Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay

Steam is an abundant renewable resource uniquely suited for space travel, and steampunk engineers, due to their spunk, resolve and pariah status, are uniquely suited to emigrate from Earth.

Photo by Kevin Sicher on Unsplash

Applicants must have experience creating weaponry out of everyday items, experience with all types of protective eyewear, and a willingness to relocate to Mars.

Photo by Johnny Briggs on Unsplash

Any experience with innovative steam engine design is a plus.

Image by Jean photosstock from Pixabay

Please fill out the following questionnaire and send it by carrier pigeon along with your application and resume.

What robotic appendages do you have, and how can they be best used to increase the productivity of our team?

“File:Steampunk-falksen.jpg” by Tyrus Flynn is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Detail any experience working with zeppelins, airships, submarines, locomotives, robotic elephants, or other large steam-powered machinery.

Image by DarkmoonAre_de from Pixabay

What weapons have you designed, and what is your “go-to” weapon of choice?

Sexy Steampunk Girls: 2012 Shoot : Tink 3 by Hyper Hamlet is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What timepiece do you use and why?

Image by Susann Mielke from Pixabay

Do you prefer gears, sprockets, or cogs, and why?

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

If you were to lose an eye, what would you replace it with?

“Steampunk” by __andrew is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

When trouble-shooting a robotic spider, would you first check the vacuum tube, the compression valve, the hydraulic lines, or other, and why?

“Steampunk Spider sculpture” by Catherinette Rings Steampunk is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

If you were to come across a Mars rover, how would you repurpose the parts for maximum effect?

“Mars 2020 Rover (NASA, Mars, 07/31/14)” by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Mars is a hostile environment. What protective gear would you bring, and why?

“Steampunk Thomas” by Cayusa is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

What is your greatest asset?

What is your greatest weakness, and what have you designed to overcompensate for it?

If you have questions on the mission or requirements, feel free to contact me directly @elonmusk.

Author, not Elon Musk



Rick Post
The Junction

Contributor to the Summit Daily newspaper, Slackjaw, The Haven, The Junction, MuddyUm, and ILLUMINATION.