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A Torrential Deluge of Stories

It’s really coming down

The Junction
Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2018


“So what was this place like?” asked the interrogator.

“It was like some magical land,” replied the disheveled bearded man. “It felt so much different than here. Everywhere, stories were falling from the sky. You couldn’t see them but you could feel them as they land on you. It’s almost like a heavy snowfall except it’s not cold. This magical land was constantly bathed in an infinite stream of stories.”

“What do you mean; stories?”

The disheveled bearded man looked across the long wooden table at the interrogator. On the two other sides of the table were armed guards.

“Well, every story first exists in the infinite unseen formless dimension before ever being played out in the world of physical form. Every story is like a little bubble of potential. The chief desire of every story is to realize that potential; to actualize in the physical dimension of form. Every story wants to come to life.”

“Now this magical land was the perfect place to do this. Billions of story bubbles were constantly streaming down into and through this land in hopes of finding an opening through which to enter the world of form. The people in this land provided a lot of openings.”

