The Amount Of Time I Spend On Social Media Is Directly Related To How Much I Am Like George Benson

Science proves it.

Mark Starlin
The Junction
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2018


George Benson Publicity Photo

If you are unfamiliar with George Benson, he is one of the greatest jazz guitar players of all time. He is also an incredible singer. It’s really not fair.

One day, as I was considering the amount of time I spend on social media, I realized that it is all based on how much I am like George Benson. I am aware this is an unusual hypothesis, so I decided to approach it scientifically. I began compiling evidence to support my theory. Let’s examine the evidence.

If I could play guitar like George Benson, I wouldn’t be on social media as much. I’d be out playing jazz gigs.

If I could sing like George Benson I wouldn’t play guitar so much, I’d be out making money singing, and I’d be on social media even less.

If George Benson came over my house to play guitar, I would try to play like him and fail miserably. But I would take two hundred pictures and spend a lot of time putting them on social media as soon as he left.

If I switched from guitar to banjo and played banjo like George Benson, I’d be unemployed and on social media a lot more (George Benson is not a banjo player.)

