The Beast

A work of micro fiction

Andrea Cannon
The Junction
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2019


Source: Pixabay

Bob eased his car to a stop close to the curb. He looked around cautiously, but there was no sign of the beast. Opening the door, he set one foot on the ground and, as anticipated, the dog came charging around the side of his daughter’s house.

A high-pitched bark pierced the tranquility of the morning as the sleek mass sailed through the air, feet barely seeming to touch the ground while muscular legs propelled him forward.

Bob fumbled in his pocket a bit too slowly. Bruiser’s front paws connected with his chest, knocking him to the ground. He grimaced at the dog’s tongue licking his face and finally managed to pull his hand from his pocket. The dog lapped up the treats greedily.

