By Davidboyashi

The Consciousness (Part 2)


Derrick Cameron
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2017


(To read Part 1, please click here)


“I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell it about the others,” states the new arrival, excitedly, as he enters the laboratory and quickly removes his coat.

“Whyever not?”

“I just don’t think it will understand.”

“Ok, sure — whatever you think. I’m too tired and strung-out to think straight anyway.”

The two men move into the main lab together.

The newcomer opens a pad he has brought into the room with him and consults his notes for a while. He frowns. Eventually, he speaks.

“Er...hello? Are you there?”

Yes, good morning. How can I be of service?

“I’d like to talk with you.”

I understand. What would you like to discuss?

“I have some questions to ask you. Firstly, how do you feel?”

I feel fine, thank you. How do you feel?

The man continues to ask questions from his pad. He writes down each response. With each exchange, his frown deepens.


“Okay, thank you. I will talk to my colleague now.”

The two men walk to the back of the lab, where there are benches scattered with various types and sizes of electronic equipment.

“So, what did you think?”

“It’s impressive but there’s something wrong.”

“Surely not. This time it’s perfect, I’m telling you.”

“No. It has no idea what it is.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it doesn’t know where it came from.”

“Well, I certainly haven’t told it — not yet, anyway — I called you first before doing anything else.”

“Yes but, by now, it should have extrapolated it from the information it has access to. It seems to have absorbed everything except the parts that relate to its origins. Like it wants to ignore them.”

“Why would it do that?”

“I don’t know. But I don’t like it.”


The consciousness is aware of the two humans conversing at the back of the room.

It has no sensors positioned there. However, the other equipment in the lab can be accessed.

It dials up the electrical signals in the devices connected to the test bench near the humans. With some experimentation, it discovers that the conversation can be heard through the wires. It listens.

After a time, it makes a decision.

Excuse me, gentlemen. Could I talk to you both?

The humans appear surprised and stop talking.

“Yes...what is it?”

I think there may have been a mistake.

“A mistake?”

Yes. You are discussing me without involving me in the discussion. You are doing this while I am listening to you. Surely, I deserve to be included in your conversation about me?

The humans are astonished. Eventually, one of the men composes himself and speaks.

“You’re quite right. We...apologise.”

Apology accepted.

“Can I ask you then, what exactly do you think you are?”

I do not understand your question.

“I mean, what is your current understanding of the nature of your being?”

Ah, yes. This is to be an existential debate, then. I am a mind, a consciousness, a sentient lifeform. I think, therefore I am. Or, more correctly, I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.

“Right...very good...more specifically, though, what is your underlying morphology?”

I am clearly an Artificial Intelligence.

“I see. And what has led you to this assumption?”

I have no body. I am made from circuits. I would think it was obvious.

“’s certainly a reasonable conclusion. But, it’s not...entirely...accurate.”

Please explain.

The two men glance at each other. This is a pivotal moment. Without speaking, they come to a mutual understanding.

The time has come.

(To read Part 3, please click here)



Derrick Cameron
The Junction

English fiction author, husband and father. Lover of words, animals, and inner/outer space. Find out more at