The Cracks in the Pavement

A Poem

Jonathan Greene
The Junction


Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash

The cracks in the pavement
are where my dreams go to die
and sometimes my only wish
is that I could slip through those cracks
but not because I want to die,
along with my dreams,
but because I want to see what it’s like
to fall through the cracks
and live the rest of my life

The cracks in the pavement
hide all of our secrets
and when I see you crouch down
I know that you are unloading
the worst of them into the crevice
where you hide the others
A lockbox of hidden disease
just one layer down
from being uncovered

The cracks in the pavement
are what separates me from you
as you stand on your crack
and I stand on mine
Islands on asphalt
daring each other to float away
like lilypads on a pond
except we are concrete
and we will sink



Jonathan Greene
The Junction

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |