The Dark Side of Odysseus

Thando Shabalala
The Junction
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2018
Photo by Tbel Abuseridze on Unsplash

I have a fascination with the unknown
There is no greater unknown than another human
We each carve out personas
Carefully attuned for every interaction with another
It’s the reason each person sees us so differently
Why some of our friends can never meet

My favourite hobby is breaking down walls
Drawing others in for one reason or another
Then leaving when some other impulse overtakes me
Or once I’ve bitten off more than I can chew
I don’t do it on purpose
But like the words of the great Fernando Pessoa
‘Everything interests me, nothing holds me’

I was once a fascination
Taking down my walls brick by brick
Until she had seen the shoddy foundation
Then moved on to the next wall
I don’t blame her
Why would I?
The student has become the master

