The Fairest Show

Matthew de Lacey Davidson
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2020

Sonnet © 2020 by Matthew de Lacey Davidson

Image: Wikipedia — PD

“Who makes the fairest show means most deceit.”
– William Shakespeare, Pericles, I:4:L75

Upon the branches: flaking lichen
smothers all the trees nearby.
Hereafter, I begin to liken
twisted growths both green and dry
to the fact that spoken words belie
adverse meanings. If desired,
one can know exactly why
people injure (when admired),
to ensure that others feel inspired.
But it is possible, with ease,
to ignore what has transpired,
and only see what grows on trees.
Sadly, beauty shall bequeath
hidden shadows underneath.

