The Haunted Daffodil

The Junction
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2018

Once upon a silent scream

A girl not heard, and barely seen

It’s 3am

Awake again

It’s no surprise

Truth begins in lies

Why am I awake?

Even as day starts to break

Behind closed doors

Waging forgotten wars

I can’t stand the birds that sing

It awakes the pain, ignites the sting

I lean back, I slowly close my eyes

It’s so loud! The screams, the cries, the lies!

I’m drowning in the lonely

My soul, now withered and boney

I can’t escape these bottomless midnights

Am I searching for answers or just looking for fights?

Written by C. Murphy © 2018



The Junction

“You have to write your truth, because if you don’t then someone else will, they will not do it justice” Pages Matam