The House at Land’s End

a verse translation

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
The Junction
2 min readJan 20, 2018


artist: darksouls1

a translation of Gyula Juhász’s Mese by Joe Varadi

The House at Land’s End

In the house at land’s end, a timeless beauty ’woke
On a desert landscape the morning sunlight broke

No one came before her, no one had she seen
In the land that time forgot, lonely grew the queen

The timeless beauty gazed upon the endless starry skies
Spring came, her heart trembled, and tears swelled in her eyes

She picked a rose, and pinned it gently in her hair
But no one, save the stars, chanced upon her secret lair

And alas, the heartless stars, so bleak and faint they shine
Unrequited did she wait, until the end of time

Here’s the original. Please have a listen to the hauntingly beautiful recording, below. This is one of my daughter’s regular bedtime lullaby requests. She is three. It has become, simply, “her song.”


Világvégi házban világszép lány lakott
Világvégére néztek mind az ablakok

Nem járt előtte senki, nem látott senkit ő
Az Óperencián túl megállt a vén idő

A világszép lány nézte a csillagos eget
Tavasz táján szívében valami reszketett

Hajába rózsát tűzött, valakit várt nagyon
De csak a csillag nézett be a kis ablakon

S a csillag oly közömbös, hideg és halovány
Hiába várt örökké a világszép leány

Here are the other two children’s poems in my trilogy, all popularized by the same legendary singer of Hungarian children’s songs.



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
The Junction

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"