The Roller Coaster…

Jk Mansi
The Junction
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2018

My body is riding

The Roller Coaster my Body is Riding. It’s not all fun and games. Text by and photo of JkM.

Waking with bile in my mouth
waves of nausea rising from
my stomach to my throat
the upward angle of a roller coaster
waiting in anxious anticipation

The drop that never comes
but it is there, waiting
in the wings for me
the drop of the roller coaster
that i don’t remember riding

there is no reason for it
i have eaten nothing wrong
i have eaten nothing rank
perhaps it is what waits
putrid inside my body
that makes these

Whatever is left rancid
inside my body, not yet healed
I let it slink away behind the wings
get my self back to center stage
play my Baby Boy playlist
in the car, bop to the beat
shimmy my shoulders
thrust my hips

Bring myself to the present.
Stop waiting for the next ride uphill.

©JkMansi Juhi Kalra 2018. All rights reserved.

Thanks to Stephen M. Tomic & Mike Sturm at The Junction



Jk Mansi
The Junction

To know where you're going find out where you've been. I strive to be joyful. I read. I write. I’m grateful.