The Silent Shadow

The Junction
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2019
(Photo: Unsplash; Michael Mouritz)

She carved a question,

Innocently asked, “How the hell did I get here?”

She couldn’t understand how she’d turned into this ghost

A ghost that was wandering the corridors of her very own body

The question mark from her empty question hanged heavy in the air

It was never answered, but then again she knew it was never going to be,

In many ways we are damned by our awareness, aren’t we?

We never get back what we’ve lost, none of us do,

For days after, she walked aimlessly, an unfinished sentence

She knew she had become but a graveyard of broken dreams

She had taken herself apart slowly, piece by piece

Suddenly violent winds from a storm started to wrap themselves around her,

She could feel her pain shower down from the sky, trying desperately to drown her

She cried so hard that her pain nearly destroyed the entire city

She fell to the floor, shattered pieces of hope she once wore

When the rain finally stopped, she looked up from her anger

In the river in front of her, she could see she was naked

And for just a moment the soul she’d lost was there, it was staring right back at her

She looked at herself in the water and the girl in the water looked back

At the same time both of them said, “How the hell did we get here?”

Written by C. Murphy © 2019



The Junction

“You have to write your truth, because if you don’t then someone else will, they will not do it justice” Pages Matam