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The Woman in Another Dimension

And the rolling of eyes

The Junction
Published in
8 min readSep 22, 2019


Jerry was sitting on the big flat boulder with the old man. They were resting from their hike. Ever since his recent cancer diagnosis Jerry had been hiking every few days to this very spot in the wilderness with the old man. The old man said it was a sacred site, an energy vortex and it could heal him.

Jerry thought the old man was a little crazy but he kept his thoughts to himself. He enjoyed the hikes and the crazy stories the old man told.

“I certainly see that this place is truly beautiful but I just don’t understand what makes it a sacred site. It looks just like all the other land around here.”

“Jerry. Jerry. Jerry. What makes this spot holy is the energy and it’s…” he paused, “It’s HER.”

Jerry looked around in all directions, “What? Her who? There is no one out here but you and me.”

“There is no one out here besides you and me that we can see. Just because you can’t see anyone else doesn’t mean they are not here.”

Jerry rolled his eyes. The old man was obviously about to go off on another one of his woo-woo tangents.

“Jerry, there are many, many different dimensions; different parallel realities all existing in this very space. Each one is vibrating at a different…

