To-Whoo Knows Best?

Matthew de Lacey Davidson
The Junction
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2020

Sonnet © 2020 Matthew de Lacey Davidson

for Shayna

Source:, Photo uploaded from Wikipedia (PD):

Of all the attitudes that I resent
are those of animals professing to
be wise. Perhaps they’re called a parliament
for just that reason? Nonetheless, the zoo
where we are watching wisdom (tried and true),
a certain sentiment I can’t resist
admiring, finally comes in to view.
With fluffy, feathered face, a pragmatist
might think an ornery somnambulist
incapable of contemplation when
thoughts are used to give one’s neck a twist.
And this somehow shows great acumen?
But maybe that’s where wisdom lies:
to know enough to sleep, relax, and close one’s eyes.

