You do the Math

Reticent Downpour.
The Junction


I do Geometry with these words

I calculate with my senses

My visions not always clear

But I’ll take you to new dimensions

Where the grass isn’t always green

At times it’s blue and wavy

There’s a dock on the other side

I’m drifting but please don’t save me

At times I have no body

The feeling of psychedelics

I pictured just what I’d say

I saw it and then it melted

The mountains turned algebraic

And I wish that I was lying

Away I went in my car

The next moment I was flying

I was soaring in the sky


Undivided—no attention

The giddiness made me laugh

For once the percentage equaled zero

I am speaking of my problems

Twenty whole minutes

What it took.. to say I solved them



Reticent Downpour.
The Junction

Reader, Writer, Poet, Visionary, Lover of all things beautiful😍 I AM Light ✨ Contact email : []