Your Cat is a Snob

And he’s kind of like Steve

J.A. Taylor
The Junction


Snob: A person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people.

Pickles is fat. He’s not super fat; it’s more like his belly swings a little when he walks type of fat. Pickles won’t eat expensive cat food. He turns his nose up at Le Chat. Pickles only likes salt-ee-wax from the local Bargain Mart. Maybe that’s why he’s fat. He’s kind of like Steve. Why does Steve wear that red shirt all the time?

One time you gave Pickles a bowl of warm milk, but he refused it. He prefers to drink the puddles of water from the bathtub after Steve showers.

“Why does he do that?” you ask.

“Watch this,” Steve says, dropping a half-bitten piece of popcorn on the floor. Pickles sprang out of the tub, ate it and pawed the air for more.

“He likes popcorn?”


“He’s weird.”

“Don’t say that,” Steve says, dropping another piece. “He just knows what he likes.”

“He’s a snob.”

“No, he’s not,” Steve argues. “A snob only likes expensive things.”

“That’s not what a snob is,” you say. “A snob is someone who thinks their tastes are better than other people’s.” Steve glances at you, but Pickles captures his attention with another wave of his paw. Steve giggles and flings another piece of popcorn.

