My Kaleidoscope View on GOD

Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts
5 min read1 day ago
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

SHORTCUTS are invariably dangerous though I understand when you have no options then this is the singular option available for you. I learnt this at a very young age with an episode which still lives on my left hand pinky finger.

I hope I got your attention!

My shortcut episode — There is a game called Chain Building which requires a group of children/ maybe grown-ups why not? It may be referred to differently in different countries. But the technique will be the same. Explaining this game so you can understand and live my shortcut. In this game, the chosen one out of the group needs to run and catch a person to form a chain. When from one they become two then both of them run to catch the third this way the chain keeps forming till the last person is caught. I hope I was crystal.

Now speaking about my smartness –- I was the chosen one we were playing in this big playground. I calculated a person with a heavy weight will not be able to run fast so I should target those people first. I may sound like an EINSTEIN but it backfired the other way round. I did succeed in catching a heavy-weight person then the eye-opener event took place. My speed became less as she could not run fast, It was like I was pulling a big sack along in running. This is not the end…

My damaged pinky figure which is named after that girl “Aashima Finger” my parents tease me with that.

Now how did I own this honour of badge? I was not giving up on pulling her and running as I knew it was my decision I was ready to own it. All of a sudden my friend’s foot hit a rock which made me fall, she fell too but her landing was safe as I cushioned her. YUP, she was on me. Not a single scratch on her, but I did feel a pain in my pinky finger, I didn’t take it seriously. It got joined as a mountain. Looking at my finger makes me always SMILE.

What makes you SMILE?


As this is a one-sided conversation I get to share. Nevertheless would love to hear your thoughts too.

I have always believed and will always believe he or she lives in us.

Okay, let’s start with how we pick up different rituals of GOD. It is our environment, I mean our family we see them doing or then telling us to do and we follow. And as we grow few will still do or just totally give up. Again I want to say there is nothing wrong with this. Taking you a little deeper but I promise will not confuse you.

Our Last Name is our KARMA we were born in that house for a reason. Your First name is your future which you are carving or making in this world.

Connecting from above If you are coloured by your family’s religious belief there is a reason you are selected for that house due to your karma. Just one small thing is how we make our new karma in this World is choosing OUR FREE WILL.

For Example — I want Money option one loot a Bank

option two rob it from a STRANGER

option three is to find a JOB

God puts circumstances in our lives the FREE WILL is our choice which further starts making our KARMA.

I want to keep things simplified. Let’s put the forward gear.

I was born in a house where I was told God lives inside ME. I never saw my parents doing anything special to make God happy. But yes they told me a few things TRUTH, HONESTY AND BEING GOOD to every soul you meet is important. My mother told me if you don’t follow the cuteness of your face will disappear. AS THE FACE IS A MIRROR TO OUR SOUL.

This is about me I might end up pulling myself again. But for right now let’s march forward.


People may feel we have hundreds of GOD in Heaven as the way things are followed on EARTH. My thoughts there is only one GOD. The various religions are pathways to reach to GOD. I love learning different things about religion.

Here I jump with one thought of mine which I always feel TRUTH, HONESTY AND BEING GOOD if you are not this how do you face GOD by asking him so many things in your prayers? It’s linked with one more thing Charity begins in-house. I mean you are a miserable person with your loved one but when it comes to outside it’s your fake MAKEUP.

Start changing with baby steps the starting point is your house.

Borrowed from the Internet

I love this painting for several reasons

At this supper, according to the Gospels, Jesus blessed bread and broke it, telling the disciples, “Take, eat; this is my body.” He then passed a cup of wine to them, saying, “This is my blood.” Jesus’ words refer to the Crucifixion he was about to suffer to atone for humankind’s sins.

Fan of Leonardo Da Vinci’s ( This Man Deserves A dedicated Blog will do once I’m ready) He was a master of disguise I’m always left baffled on reading about him.

On the Internet, you will find overboard information


Jesus Christ sits in the centre with 6 disciples on each side. There was only one woman among them MARY can you find her?

The six disciples to wards JESUS CHRIST left — the one sitting beside JESUS CHRIST is her she is bending towards the other disciples.

I have experimented with a few rituals to understand why we do it.( I don’t want to share these rituals as you must be doing it as you feel it right. Please keep doing it till your heart starts questioning.)

But I understood after starting and ending my heart used to question me instead of pouring water or milk for me Please do it for others. I stopped I had to take a wrong turn to understand the right turn. I’m happy the divine inside me endlessly guides me even when I’m not PERFECT.

That’s too much of overloading on God but whatever you are doing make sure your heart is singing happy songs for you that time. Stay connected to your heart it’s your navigator.

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart…Anonymous

If you ever have time check Albert Einstein's old black-white video to study his walking style. Rest will connect the dots later…. Garcia

copyright © Dr Diya Saini 2024



Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts

Knockouts reflects my personality in a 360 degree Kaleidoscope manner with Rainbow Colors ♾️🌍🌈