Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts
3 min read1 day ago
Photo by Shoham Avisrur on Unsplash

Theories can confuse you, while Internet searches can make it harder to score. It’s True as far as you have understood.

During the second month of pregnancy, Dwarfism can be easily and accurately diagnosed. Many doctors are still uncertain about the month of declaring it or even after the birth stands nullified.

The main reason for Dwarfism is growth hormone deficiency. The brain does not produce enough of the hormone that causes bones to grow. This can easily be corrected in babies while the mother is still pregnant.

During pregnancy, parents or maximum family members in their family with short height are soft targets for Dwarfism. It can be detected in the first month of pregnancy by referring to the DNA sample.

Glass Bowl

The best organic way to cure your baby from Dwarfism is the pregnant mother getting organic therapy by putting her hands in half-glass bowls filled with water and adding black ants to them. As they can easily float in this water without dying.


  1. Take 2 Glass Bowls.
  2. Fill the Glas Bowls with 1/4 of the water.
  3. Drop black ants into them 24 living ants, as they are expert in floating in this quantity.
  4. After 15 minutes immerse your hands into the bowls.
  5. Placing your left hand into the left Bowl
  6. Placing your right hand into the right Bowl
  7. Which automatically when immersed will raise the quantity to half level water.
  8. Keep your hands immersed for 30 minutes every day.
  9. Follow this step for complete pregnancy.
  10. The Height problem of Dwarfism which is considered to be a maximum of 4 feet 10 inches or shorter will break this pattern by conquering your child’s height problem.

Once you have done it throw the water and ants in plants. Every day we require fresh water and ants in both fish bowls.

The second challenge they face is breathing difficulties — including snoring and sleep apnoea ( caused by narrowed nasal passages)).

The Problem of breathing can be solved after the birth of the child by inserting baby suckers alternately in their nose and doing it alternatively sometimes in the left nostril and sometimes the right nostril. Till he is 2 years old.


The next challenge they face is not having long arms and legs. They can be healed if their arms and feet are stretched. Which requires regular hand and foot stretching with complete body massage till they are 2 years baby. The baby will go blessed and healed with the best arms and leg length.

Your height doesn’t measure your length of Dick. In fact matter of fact the DWARFS have one of the longest Dick.

copyright © Dr Diya Saini 2024



Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts

Knockouts reflects my personality in a 360 degree Kaleidoscope manner with Rainbow Colors ♾️🌍🌈