The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual

Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts
1 min read1 day ago

As I stand in a crowd, I find that lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are part of it. It’s impossible to understand how they differ from us until they reveal their deep secrets. We categorize our opinions as good, bad, and ugly after knowing them.

In summary, they are similar to us in every aspect. It’s just that they listened to their inner sexual orientation, which stands against the right and wrong norms of the world. And what about us? We are not perfect with penis erection, wet pussy, big boobs, orgasm, anus sex, and ejaculating before the trigger movement of the other person.

This is alright, but their ideology is incorrect.

Their character as human beings surpasses that of us in terms of boldness, transparency, and perfection. They at least experience a satisfied love climax.

While lesbians, gays, and bisexuals have the most satisfied sex life, we are struggling to achieve a bare minimum satisfied life, bound by societal norms.

copyright © Dr Diya Saini 2024



Dr. Diya Saini❤️
The Kaleidoscope Knockouts

Knockouts reflects my personality in a 360 degree Kaleidoscope manner with Rainbow Colors ♾️🌍🌈