Living the Kalypso Values: Passion for Personal Development

Chelsea Leenhouts
The Kalypsonian
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2016


When I was a little girl I stumbled upon my father’s old Erector Set — a whole new ball game compared to the Legos I was used to playing with. Without any instructions, I was determined to build a complex, moveable masterpiece with the new components the Erector Set provided me. After frustrating hours of tinkering with different pieces, my father stepped in and suggested I walk away from my structure and revisit it in the morning. After a night’s sleep, I woke up and completed my functional, crank elevator contraption! I beamed with pride having finished my new design and requested additional pieces for Christmas.

My inner nerd has latched on to a motto from science legend, Monsieur Pasteur, who says: “Chance favors the prepared mind.” If you look back at breakthroughs in science, product innovations or paradigm-shifting ideas, they are always produced by an individual with a remarkable resilience to failure and a desire to move forward. As a result, most “breakthroughs” are actually the culmination of an immense amount of work and incremental learning. Rarely do great thinkers, researchers or inventors stumble upon something great; rather, they are primed to recognize when something game-changing is in front of them.

Pasteur’s wisdom reaffirms my belief that knowledge and success are never an accident. My life journey and career path have been marked by a similar determination to “figure things out,” evolve after failure and continue to move beyond mastery. Thankfully, belonging to a firm that embraces this mentality pushes me forward. The ability to drive value and insight to the colleagues and clients around me is rooted in the building blocks of what I already know (Legos), and a continual exploration and extension into the unknown (Erector Sets).

If I’m honest with myself, my chances of discovering the next element on the periodic table are slim — but there’s still incredible work to do. Thankfully, Kalypso values a passion for personal development, and this pushes me to grow after each new experience. And thanks to my old toys, I know I am more likely to solve a complex business problem by applying familiar technology and processes in new ways after a night’s rest at my favorite Fairfield Inn.

Kalypso is a global innovation consulting firm. At the heart of the Kalypso culture is a belief in the power of innovation — both in the way we deliver services and in the products that we help clients to develop. We place a premium on creativity and demand continuous learning and development — both personal and professional — from every member of the organization. Learn more about our consulting approach and services at

