Living the Kalypso Values: Professionalism, Integrity and Quality

Nestor Cantu
The Kalypsonian
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2016


It’s a foggy Monday morning walking through Amsterdam’s outstanding canals. It’s also my first day of a new client engagement. There are a mix of emotions running through my veins and I’m still quite jet-lagged. I’m supposed to make it to the 8:08am train to meet my project team at the next train station, then ride a rental bike to the client site to arrive by 9:00am. As I approached the ticket counter and asked for one round-trip ticket I received the worst possible news on what seemed to be a perfect day: some of the trains weren’t running. I then received an alternate travel plan involving a connection in a city I had never heard of that would put me at the client site past 10:00am. All I can think is: I can’t show up late.

I called one of my colleagues to figure out a plan B and before he could get back to me the alternate train was getting ready to depart. What do I do? Hop on and show up at 10:00am? Don’t hop on and wait for my colleague to get back to me? What if he calls from the train I didn’t board? All these questions were running through my mind when I finally decided to hop on, hoping for the best. Later, my colleague called. We were all meeting back at his place and would work from home; trains were not running most of the day.

As I’m learning — travel delays are not the only challenges to navigate while serving clients with Kalypso. Whether I’m working from home, taking on a treadmill at 5:00 AM, or coming up with solutions at the client site, it’s up to me to deliver quality work. This is why I love Kalypso’s values of Professionalism, Integrity, and Quality. I keep those values in mind when I needto focus on ensuring my decisions will match my client’s expectations while meeting the high standards Kalypso sets for its people.

We will always be challenged with tough situations. Working at a firm where serving a client is seen as a privilege and not just work empowers me to proactively find viable and creative solutions for all of my clients. Whether taking a train into the unknown or figuring out how to meet some highly complex reporting requirement, I’m happy to go the extra mile to satisfy my client. Because truly, our clients’ success is our success.

Kalypso is a global innovation consulting firm. At the heart of the Kalypso culture is a belief in the power of innovation — both in the way we deliver services and in the products that we help clients to develop. We place a premium on creativity and demand continuous learning and development — both personal and professional — from every member of the organization. Learn more about our consulting approach and services at

