Helium 10 Tutorial for Finding Profitable Keywords

This will give you an unfair advantage.

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: DALL-E 3

In this post, I’m going to show you how I use Helium 10 to do KDP niche research on Amazon and find the most profitable keywords to include in my book titles and Amazon ad campaigns.

I’ve tried almost every KDP keyword research tool out there, from Publisher Rocket to Book Beam and beyond.

While those tools are very useful, there is one tool that is light years ahead of the pack and has the power to give Amazon publishers a MASSIVELY unfair advantage.

That tool is Helium 10.

I’ve developed an entire publishing process around this tool that has allowed me to create books that are ranking on the first page of results for highly competitive keywords on Amazon.

However, I must tell you — my strategy isn’t for everyone.

I’m working to build a publishing company that generates at least $50,000+ a month.

