How I “Engineer” Books to Reach My Income Goals

Don’t leave sales to chance.

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: DALL-E 3

When I first started the publishing arm of my content business, I approached it like an author.

I came up with a topic I was interested in, wrote and edited a book, and uploaded it to Amazon.

I even paid to have a “professional” cover made.

Day after day, I eagerly waited for sales to start rolling in…

But nothing.



I followed all the conventional advice for self-publishing a book — so why wasn’t it working?

“Maybe I needed to run some Amazon ads?”

I did my best to conjure up a few keywords I thought might be relevant to my book and then set up my first Amazon ad.

Then, I watched as Amazon quickly burned through my ad budget without delivering so much as one single sale.

What gives?

Maybe Amazon is just too saturated?

That MUST be it.

It couldn’t possibly be that there was a fatal flaw in my publishing process.

