How Many Reviews Does a Book Need to Make Sales on Amazon KDP?

Here’s my answer based on 40,000+ copies sold.

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: Canva Pro

I’ve noticed that there are a lot of people in the self-publishing community who believe that a book needs to get a lot of reviews BEFORE it will sell well on Amazon (or any other publishing platform).

So, I thought I’d share my thoughts and observations on this.

Over the last two years, I’ve sold more than 40,000 copies of my books through Amazon KDP (and hundreds more through alternative self-publishing platforms like B&N Press and Google Play Books.)

More than half of my books are activity books, and the rest are nonfiction titles in various niches.

I do not write or sell fiction.

Please keep this in mind.

I do not have data on how reviews affect sales of fiction titles.

I will be speaking from my experience with nonfiction and activity books only.

How Positive Reviews…

