This “Fill-In-The-Blank” Book Sold 16,339 Copies In the Last 30 Days

Cash in on seasonal trends.

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: DALL-E 3

For those of you looking for more ways to make money self-publishing through Amazon KDP and Barnes and Noble Press, I’ve got another idea to add to the “profitable niches” inspiration file.

According to the Greeting Card Association, Americans purchase 6.5 billion cards each year to send for holidays, special occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

But let me ask you this —

How many times have you searched for the “perfect” card and felt unimpressed with the selection?

Personally, I’ve often longed for a simple way to create more personalized cards for special occasions, especially if I’m giving them to someone I’m close to.

Enter the “greeting card book.”

Greeting card books have fill-in-the-blank style pages with prompts that make it easy to create personalized gifts for the special people in your life.

Screenshot from

Not only that, but they are quite easy to make.

