This “Low Content” Book Sold 28,153 Copies Last Month

Here’s why —

Kristen Walters
Kristen’s KDP Project


Credit: Canva Pro

As an aspiring publisher, one of my favorite hobbies is analyzing books on Amazon that are selling extraordinarily well using behind-the-scenes data from Helium 10.

I recently started writing case studies like this one in my newly created Medium publication “Kristen’s KDP Project” to document my findings — both for my own reference and for anyone who’s curious.

I created a full tutorial on how I use Helium 10 for KDP niche research, so if these types of case studies interest you, you can bookmark it and check it out later.

However, today, I thought I’d bring you another book case study that has piqued my interest. Just to be clear — this is not my book.

